An international network to move forwards together with our
clients: Fidia would like to introduce its Branch Offices
Continued technological innovation and ongoing expansion in the reference international markets with high development potential are Fidia’s strategic objectives. Today, Fidia develops milling systems used mainly in the mould-making, aerospace and energy sectors, providing integrated, customized and high-performance solutions. Considerable investment to strengthen the strategic network of international branches has achieved the objective of offering clients ongoing and dynamic support, both to ensure effective and prompt after-sales service and to consolidate relationships built on trust, dialogue and technological partnership with the most prestigious companies in the various reference sectors. An extensive international presence allows for close strategic and operational support in France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Russia, Poland, the United States, Brazil, China, India and South Africa.
Fidia has always been known as a reliable supplier offering advanced technological solutions, a company that is capable of anticipating, understanding and resolving the Client’s requirements and which has a solid presence in the most important markets worldwide. With the overseas market representing almost 90% of its revenue, Fidia, with its network of branches, operates according to a concept of ‘multiversity’, where each individual country’s situation is appreciated; an organic whole that draws strength and inspiration from diversity. Over the last twenty years, the traditional markets of Europe and North America have been joined by emerging countries, in particular China which, owing to continued and sustained growth in its automotive and aerospace segments, now represents a significant slice of exports and where Fidia is present in Beijing and Chengdu.
Production remains firmly based in Italy where, with the setting up of a completely new manufacturing plant at Forlì for the assembly of high-speed milling systems, the company aims to increase production in order to keep pace with orders in a continually expanding market. In 2016, a new branch office was opened in Rochester Hills, Michigan, that will be responsible for field service and training as well as sales in order to strengthen commercial activities in the United States. Fidia’s USA branch was the first overseas branch and was opened in the mid-eighties to develop and consolidate the sales network by seeking new opportunities outside Italy. From selection to training, to motivation and technical support, today Fidia Co. ensures prompt and efficient service throughout North America enabling the Group to more than hold its own against the toughest international competitors.

A creative relationship with specialist engineers, Universities, partners and companies that are willing to invest in developing new applications is at the core of Fidia’s identity. Over the years, this energy has given rise to the different branches which still maintain their own identities in the various markets with dedicated initiatives and relationships with their Clients built on trust. In this sense, Fidia has been able to develop products and applications according to requirements that have emerged in the field, learning from the specific needs of clients with a view to co-engineering. Having a client base that operates in numerous countries allows Fidia to bring together requirements, ideas and suggestions from different cultures, relationships and industrial activities and these taken as a whole form the basis for the development of a wide range of solutions.
A creative relationship with specialist engineers, Universities, partners and
companies that are willing to invest in developing new applications is at the core of Fidia’s identity.
“Fidia has always been a company with an international vocation; we are dealing with extremely diverse markets and situations”, notes Carlos Maidagan, now Vice Chairman of Fidia S.p.A., who when he was only 28, in 1988, founded the Fidia Iberica branch which is responsible for the Spanish and Portuguese markets and operates from its office in the Laida Bidea Technology Park in Bilbao.
“Our objective is to give a common form to different entities that must develop along the same lines, while maintaining their own cultural identity and market approach”, explains Maidagan. “Any slowing down of some markets is often compensated by the growth of others.
The branches have a decisive role to play as they are a point of contact with that particular market territory, understanding its requirements in order to respond promptly to requests, propose ideas for the development of new products and provide support for sales, Fidia do Brasil LTDA, Brazil installation and after-sales service.” In some ways, the global market has drawn companies and people together facilitating connections and communication, whereas in others it highlights cultural differences, including in relation to economic and financial trends worldwide. “I have always been fascinated by sales work understood as a form of discovery and an understanding of the political, social and economic context of various countries”, affirms Claudio Cannavò, Sales Manager of the Numerical Controls division, who led the branch in Brazil for 20 years. “In order to understand whether a new market has prospects many factors have to be taken together, including its history and traditions. My first trip to Brazil was in ’93 for the Feimafe trade fair in Sao Paulo; an initial encounter with a geographical area which at that time had truly extraordinary potential. Fidia was already present with CNCs installed on European machine tools in the sectors of plastic injection moulding, forging and sheet metal forming. In ’94, we opened the new branch office. With ten or so employees – electronics experts, mechanics and administrative staff – and a substantial number of CNCs installed, Fidia has now become a point of reference for both established companies and for those in the growth stage.”
“Our objective is to give a common form to different entities
that must develop along the same lines”
“The most difficult challenge when facing new markets and territories”, continues Maidagan, “is convincing the first clients to invest in new technological solutions. Successful outcomes and a growing reputation then create new opportunities and it is of fundamental importance to be present and always work alongside the client with a view to continued improvement and customer satisfaction. Whenever it is necessary to take steps to reinforce awareness of the Fidia brand, the individual branches invest in trade fairs, open house events and communications initiatives, under the guidance of the head office in Turin which takes care of corporate communications and product promotion. An important overseas branch is that in Germany, one of the first markets to appreciate the value of high-speed milling technology. Today, it includes in its portfolio Clients of the calibre of Daimler, Volkswagen, Audi, Ronal and Continental. In the early 2000s, the team at the Frankfurt branch started the ‘Fidia Inform’ project, at the time a printed newsletter, created with the aim of communicating the experiences of satisfied customers and introducing new applications. ‘Inform’ then became the Group’s magazine and was distributed internationally in a multilingual version. Today, it can be found on the internet in a newsletter version.”

For Fidia, relationships with Clients are above all based on dialogue, a shared technological interest and the invaluable richness of human contacts. Our commitment is to support our client companies, helping them to make the best profit from their investment by creating a firm bond and an understanding that go beyond the immediate commercial interest.
If today Fidia is able to offer innovative solutions, it is because the company has chosen to build strong relationships with Clients, to understand their needs and to develop solutions on the basis of these requirements. Moving forwards together also means: dialogue, being able to anticipate and, why not, also to contradict. Such resources enhance a spirit of research and in this way the pleasure of human relationships is enriched while providing opportunities to further business objectives.